Turn-based Prototype
For a game jam prototype, my group and I made a simple food-themed turn-based combat game taking inspiration from a game called "Slay the Spire" for gameplay mechanics. My particular contributions included designing the UI layout and icons, as well as minor blueprint scripting for the UI widget for the player actions. I used assets found online which were then modified to use for the project (these are linked down below).
Active Gameplay View

UI Blueprint Scripting: The program utilizes the set visibility for each of the enemies based on the enemy ID that was randomly determined. There are 3 total enemy types. It hides two of them and sets the third to visible.
Shield Bash - https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/6344856/ability_attack_bash_counter_game_shield_skill_icon
Shield Block - https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/6344960/ability_defense_game_protect_protection_shield_skill_icon
Light Attack - https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/6344973/ability_game_skill_stab_swords_icon
Heavy Attack - https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/6344890/ability_attack_game_knight_skill_swords_icon
End Turn - https://degreessymbolmac.com/checkmark-symbol-how-to-insert-a-check-mark-tick-%E2%9C%93-symbol-in-excel-word-mac/
Shield Block - https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/6344960/ability_defense_game_protect_protection_shield_skill_icon
Light Attack - https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/6344973/ability_game_skill_stab_swords_icon
Heavy Attack - https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/6344890/ability_attack_game_knight_skill_swords_icon
End Turn - https://degreessymbolmac.com/checkmark-symbol-how-to-insert-a-check-mark-tick-%E2%9C%93-symbol-in-excel-word-mac/